Terri Scheer Insurance - Update Regarding COVID-19

Supporting Terri Scheer customers through the ongoing COVID-19 situation

With the COVID-19 virus being declared a global pandemic, we wanted to share some important information about the steps we’re taking to support you during these uncertain times.

Our first priority is the safety and wellbeing of our customers, our people and the general public. We’re closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and, following the advice of the government authorities, we will respond to any updated recommendations.

Like many organisations, the impact of COVID-19 and the recent natural disasters, and severe weather events, are disrupting some of our operations and may cause some delays. We apologise for this and we are working hard to ensure we are there for you when you need us. We recommend you visit our website for most transactions, or when phoning please be prepared to hold.

We are well prepared

Terri Scheer is committed to supporting our customers.  We understand the situation is evolving day by day, however at this time our call centre is open.

Here to help online

Where possible, we encourage our customers to visit terrischeer.com.au to use our online services, which are available 24/7, including:

For all other inquiries you can still call us on 1800 804 016 or contact us online.


Take care,

Gary Dransfield



Please Note:

Terri Scheer Insurance has also announced an embargo on new insurance policies for the time being.  Please refer to their website and their Facebook page for further information.

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